Naturalization and acquisition of Italian citizenship:
Acquisition of Italian citizenship by marriage
For marriage with an Italian citizen, if the requirements under Article 5 of Law 91/92 are met:
- The applicant, alien or stateless person, can fil the request if, after the marriage, he has been legally living for at least 2 years in Italy;
- If the spouses reside abroad, the application may be filed after three years from the date of marriage;
- In those periods there must not have been any dissolution, annulment or termination of the civil effects of marriage and there must not be separation;
- Theses minimum delays might be reduced (50%) if the spouses have children.
Acquisition of Italian citizenship by Italian residence
For residence in Italy as per art. 9 of Law 91/92:
- Non-EU citizens that are legally residents for at least 10 years on the Italian territory;
- EU citizens that are legally residents for at least four years on the Italian territory;
- Stateless and refugee policy persons that are legally residents for at least five years on the Italian territory;
- Foreigners whom father or mother (or one of their ancestors in a straight line of the second degree) were Italian citizens by birth or who were born in Italy and in both cases, are legally residents for at least three years;
- Adult foreigner adopted by an Italian citizen who resides legally on the Italian territory for at least five years after adoption;
- Aliens who have served, even abroad, for at least five years as employees of the Italian administration.
It is important to point out that the new Law n. 94/2009 states that every request for Italian naturalization is subordinate to the payment of Euro 200.